
Ardacon Consulting BV offers SAP services for most of SAP’s functional areas. The knowledge of Ardacon’s consultants is not limited to one SAP module, but, due to their years of experience working with SAP, each consultant has gathered a broad understanding of a variety of SAP modules and the integration between these modules.

A SAP system is a significant investment for your organisation. This is why this investment needs to fit seamlessly with your business processes, so that it can be capitalised on maximally.

Application management

The consultants and programmers at Ardacon Consulting BV all have many years of experience in their professional field. This makes Ardacon Consulting BV a rock solid specialist in the field of SAP application management.


We involve you in all of SAP’s facets. In order to optimally make use of SAP services, you need knowledge. This is why Ardacon offers SAP trainings. Specialised consultants will educate your employees how to work with SAP.

Ardacon in numbers


Gemiddeld aantal jaar SAP ervaring consultants


Gemiddeld jaarlijks terugkerende klanten (laatste 5 jaar)


Aantal SAP projecten in 2015


Aantal consultants

Ardacon’s work method



Each SAP project starts with an analysis of the business processes that need to be translated into SAP processes.



Each user is trained on how to work with the new environment.



After the analysis, concrete advice follows from one of Ardacon’s consultants.


Go live

Once all employees are properly trained and all the data has been transferred, the system will go live.



Following this is the setup of the ERP system of your organisation.


After care

After going live, the aftercare trajectory is set in motion, and regular maintenance is carried out.

Wat klanten over onze SAP diensten zeggen

Een hele praktische club met ervaren consultants die komen met oplossingen, niet terugkomen met vragen of problemen. Ik hoorde laatst ergens een mooie one-liner: Winnaars zeggen ‘dat het kan’, verliezers zeggen ‘dat het moeilijk is’. Ik weet wat Ardacon is!
Luc Pastoor
Luc Pastoor
ICT Manager, Van Rijsingen Groep
Ardacon heeft ons de afgelopen jaren regelmatig en succesvol ondersteuning gegeven voor zowel SAP functioneel support als voor SAP projecten.
Kenmerkend is een pragmatische en op resultaat gerichte aanpak. Door inzet van verschillende consultants kan in praktijk een breed SAP kennisgebied afgedekt worden.
Ronald Esveldt
Ronald Esveldt
Director ERP projects, DSM Resins & Functional Materials